Excel in the Cloud and Other Platforms
Excel Today and in the Future

Registration fee: $15

April 23, 2021 9:00 am – 10:00 am (1.0 CPE)

Field of Study: Technical
Prerequisites: None
Presented by:  Jim Colville, CPA Retired, CFE
Advanced Preparation:  None

Course Description:

Excel has been around for a long time, all the way back to floppy disks. Many Excel users today work on Excel on their local desktop which may be on their hard drive, or more than likely, network based. But today, more-and-more, in the Cloud. We can now work on and save and access our Excel files most anywhere and, for purposes of this session, the Cloud.

Excel now can now be installed on your Apple or Android phone or tablet. This session will review this process and review the best working scenarios for each as well as what features are lost on these alternative platforms.

This session is a continuation and upgrade Jim’s presentation at the Los Angeles 2018 and 2019 Accounting and Finance show and the December 2, 2020 AEI presentation.

Course Objective:

To obtain a working knowledge of today’s technology as it moves from the desktop to other platforms including the Cloud, phones and tablets.


  • An overview of Accounting and Excel in the Cloud
    We’ll talk about Cloud based accounting software and then move the focus to Excel
  • Cloud Applications and Excel
    From floppy disk drives to today…to the Cloud—to alternative platforms
  • How Excel has Evolved
    Desktop vs cloud versions chasing each other
  • The future of Excel in the Cloud
    The Future is Now
  • Leader or Laggard?
    How will you or your firm or company keep up?
  • Utilizing the Cloud to streamline workflow efficiency?
    A friend of mine still uses floppy disks and another is 100% Cloud based
  • Most importantly, we’ll look at the everyday use of Excel in the Cloud or otherwise remote locations, including your mobile device (tablet, phone, etc.)
  • Working with Excel in OneDrive, saving files, file synching, co-authoring, tips and traps.
  • What features are still there, which ones are not ready for prime time, what’s the good and bad for power users.

Jim Colville,  Bio
Jim began working with spreadsheets with Lotus 1-2-3, v1a and then with Excel v3, and soon thereafter v4. He learned very early the power of Excel and how to be super productive in solving problems, creating business solutions and enhancing reporting in his CPA practice.

Seeing the business opportunity in educating others in using Excel he began his own PC training company teaching over 20,000 users over a period about four years. The training evolved into a consulting company offering specific solutions to companies and corporations by combining training combined with project challenges which resulted in powerful solutions.  A by-product of this is Jim’s Zero Time Reporting, once the data is entered (or imported) the report is done.

Jim has authored well over Excel 500 courses, both as training materials and solution based Excel products for companies, corporations and nonprofit organizations. Many of these later became the foundation of web based articles and solutions under the the name of Info-Stat.com .  With the saturation of Internet based Excel websites and Jim’s commitment to his CPA business the Info-Stat website was allowed to sunset. With his retirement from his CPA practice in 2019, Jim has revitalized his web-based activities in by writing articles, creating Excel files that offer solutions, revitalizing Info-Stat.com and more importantly, educational webinars. Excel has changed dramatically over the years and the new course and webinar offerings significantly modernize the Excel materials including, but not limited to, business and artificial intelligence.

Of major significance is the evolution of Jim’s education activities from a local San Diego PC training company to a national and world wide based company with Internet based products, both website and webinar offerings.



